K U N S T S T O F F – V E R B I N D U N G S – T E C H N I K G M B H
Stand: Okt-12
Werkering 6 – 33609 Bielefeld – Tel. 0521 / 93207-0 – Fax 0521 / 93207-11
Kap. 7 – Seite 9
Flow rate monitor and filter
The flow rate monitor guarantees that no start signal is sent to the EWS gen-
erator if there is insufficient flow rate in the cooling circuit. The EWS generator
start signal is interrupted as soon as the flow rate drops below the flow rate
value set on the evaluation board [4]. The generator is not ready for use.
The flow rate monitor evaluation board is inside the EWS compensation. No
modifications to the board must be made under any circumstances without
KVT Bielefeld GmbH
. If the generator starts although there is insuf-
ficient coolant flow, this results in irreparable damage to the connected EWS
Photo10: Flow monitor, filter casing
The mesh filter [1] absorbs dirt particles which can adversely affect the oper-
ating efficiency of the flow rate monitor.
The filter can be removed for cleaning or replacement by undoing the hex-
agonal nut.
Photo11: Filter
Coolant connections
LT 100 flow monitor
Filter casing
Mesh filter
Mesh size = 250 µm