K U N S T S T O F F – V E R B I N D U N G S – T E C H N I K G M B H
Stand: Okt-12
Werkering 6 – 33609 Bielefeld – Tel. 0521 / 93207-0 – Fax 0521 / 93207-11
Kap. 7 – Seite 11
Spare part supply
EWS converters are always special components matched to the respective
KVT Bielefeld
does not kept any EWS converters in stock as spare
parts. Depending on production complexity, the replacement of an EWS
converter takes 8-10 working days!
It is the responsibility of the customer to provide one of the corresponding
spare parts necessary for production reliability.
Components made of high-quality technical ceramic are often used in ERW
converters. Depending on manufacture, these components are subject to a
replacement time of approx. 6 weeks!
Spare part supply by
KVT Bielefeld
it is basically not provided. The spare parts
necessary for production reliability must be provided by the customer.
The customer can estimate the delivery time and supply of spare parts
based on project-related spare part lists. The spare part lists are created on
request by
KVT Bielefeld
and provided to the customer.