K U N S T S T O F F – V E R B I N D U N G S – T E C H N I K G M B H
Stand: Okt-12
Werkering 6 – 33609 Bielefeld – Tel. 0521 / 93207-0 – Fax 0521 / 93207-11
Kap. 7 – Seite 12
EWS tubed cable
The ERW converters are connected to EWS compensation unit with the EWS tuned
cables developed by
KVT Bielefeld
. The tubed cables are flexible cables which
supply the coolant as well as the high alternating current to the EWS converter.
The converter can be moved independently of the compensator due to the flexibil-
ity of the EWS tubed cables.
The EWS tubed cables are produced in various lengths [between 400 mm and 1000
mm] by
KVT Bielefeld
. The length of the tubed cable is adapted for the respective
application. Gradation in 50 mm steps is usual.
EWS tubed cables =
pair of EWS tubed cables are needed for connecting
a converter to a compensator.
Photo 13: ERW pair of tubed cables
Connection to the compensator
Labelling, type / length
Spacing clips for parallel routing
Connection to the converter
Instead of tubed cables, the connection between the EWS compensation and the
EWS converter can also be made with soft copper pipe [diameter 8 or 10 mm].
However, the converter must then be firmly mounted.
KVT Bielefeld
has the corresponding suitable screw connections for making these
connections in stock.
All metallic bare connections and screw connections must be con-
tact proof and electrically isolated.