40 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 41
3. eXTendeR seTTInGs
3. eXTendeR seTTInGs
3.4.7 dIaGnosIs menU
In the Diagnosis menu, the runtimes of the individual connected channels are displayed. Both
Remote Unit and Partner Local Unit are listed.
Additionally you get the CPU temperature information of both units.
Another feature is the cable test
As soon as a connection to the partner has been established, the test can be started with the
„Enter“ key or the arrow key on the right „
After a valid synchronization process, the test is started and the test run time and errors are
The test can be ended at any time by pressing the “Enter” or “
” key. If no error has occurred,
the status reports: “Test OK! If errors occurred during the test, the status displays the sum of all
errors that occurred.