42 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 43
3.5 ddC menU
The DDC Information menu allows the user to specify which DDC information is used by the PC.
Definition of the DDC information used by the PC:
1. make sure that the main menu is open.
Press the D button and the DDC option menu will be displayed.
- Press 0 to display the DDC information of the monitor connected to the remote (CON)
Extender is connected.
- Press 2 to save the current DDC information. The system will
applies the same settings after restarting the Extender
- Press the keys 4 to 8 to use a predefined resolution, which
is saved.
3. press ESC to return to the main menu
3. eXTendeR seTTInGs
3.5.1 ddC maIn (sInGle)
3. eXTendeR seTTInGs