74 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 75
4. neTWoRk seTTInGs
4. neTWoRk seTTInGs
The KVM extenders from kvm-tec support the DHCP protocol (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol). This allows the assignment of network addresses by a DHCP server.
static IP
In Static-IP mode the IP addresses can be assigned via the OSD. It is necessary to be connected
to a local partner to be able to transmit IP addresses.
The blue values show the currently assigned IP addresses. With the arrow keys up / down you
can overwrite the respective IP address. The addresses can be overwritten by entering a valid
12-digit number. E.g.: for the IP address the 12-digit number must
be entered in the OSD. The separator points are added automatically.
If all four IP addresses are overwritten, “Save/send settings” must be used to transmit the new
values to the extenders.
Static IP addresses can only be overwritten in Static IP mode.