Calibration test
A calibration test must be performed for each seed.
Calibration test not yet performed
Calibration test performed successfully
Accept the calibration test. Only possible after successful calibration
Enter the desired output amount in kg/ha. When doing this ensure that
the correct seed is selected.
Enter the desired "normal" drive speed. The normal drive speed is rou-
ghly 3 km/h less than the maximum speed shown in the sowing ma-
chine operating manual. The minimum and maximum speeds are cal-
culated from the normal drive speed.
Enter the desired area for the calibration test. The larger the area sel-
ected, the more exact is the result of the calibration test. The calibration
test can also take longer, though, and the amount of seed quantity can
become greater. We recommend that you do not exceed a value of 1/
10 ha.
Select the seed type
Minimum and maximum drive speed (no entry here)
Micrometering system On or Off
Desired area for the calibration test
Desired drive speed
Calibration test performed (green) or still open (red)
Desired output amount in kg/ha
Display of the setting on the metering device: Normal or fine seed
Setting on the metering device
Seed weight after the calibration test (no entry here)