> Start calibration.
After calibration the seed from the catch pan has to be weighed.
> Enter the weighing result in kg and press the OK key
on the
terminal to confirm
Abort calibration
Start calibration
Press again: Continue calibration
The amount weighed can deviate from the desired amount. For ex-
ample, should 200 kg/ha of wheat be output, the amount weighed at
1/10 ha represents only 18 kg instead of the expected 20 kg. This is
then not an error. Please enter the result of the weighing from the ca-
libration. Not until the test run is a working run simulated with the set
values. Therefore always perform a test run.
After entering the weighing result and confirming with the OK key
on the terminal, "OK" appears on the display.
When confirmed, the weighing result is converted to the drive speed.
> Confirm the "OK" on the display