The paddles long screws (1.5 mm Allen key) are fixed with fingers by a small black plastic
nut. Start with both at zero damping. The more the paddle is inserted into the liquid, the
stronger the damping. First start with horizontal, then add vertical, but feel free to
Be sure that you do not adjust the paddle in the trough so that it touches the bottom.
Fig.10 Fixing vertical damping holder
Paddles are fixed by holding a screw with Allen key 1.5mm and ACW rotation with fingers of
the small black nut.
Adding damping oil:
First insert silicone damping oil into the troughs. Let the liquid settle, before adding more.
Stop filling, when you reach the silver lines about 3mm below the edge of the troughs.
Removing trough:
Removing trough using Allen keys 1.5 mm (vertical- fig .11) and 2.5 mm (horizontal-
fig.12&1). Release fixing screw and pull away trough. But firstly put paddles in the vertical
position out of the oil so that oil will drip off.
Fig.11 Removing vertical trough Fig.12 Removing horizontal trough
Fig.13 Both troughs removed