Section 3—Inspection & Mounting
5. Momentarily depress the AUDIO then the PAT-SET
switch. This places the Directional Golden Eagle II in
the unsquelched (audio on) mode. If necessary, depress
the AUDIO switch then the RANGE (up) switch to
increase the audio level.
6. Start the patrol vehicle and position the A/C - heater fan
to a mid-range speed. Move the antenna/mounting
bracket to different positions on the windshield while
listening to the audio. If there is fan interference, the
audio will have a raspy sound instead of just noise.
Position the antenna to minimize the amount of fan
interference. Mark this position on the outside of the
windshield, using a grease pencil.
7. After the optimum antenna position has been found, glue
the bracket to the windshield using the adhesive
8. Position of the antenna:
Maximum performance of the
system will be achieved when
the antenna is pointed directly
toward the vehicles being
Aim the antenna parallel to
the ground and straight down
the roadway.