Multi Mode
Use the ARP ON/OFF button to turn on and off the Arpeggiator in each Zone. Each Zone
in a Multi has an arpeggiator, allowing up to 4 simultaneous arpeggiations. The ARP ON/
OFF button can be enabled or disabled for each Zone in Multi Edit Mode.
The Arpeggiator takes note input from the keyboard and outputs a rhythmic and/or melodic
pattern of MIDI notes. The Arpeggiator can affect both the internal Programs and external
MIDI instruments.
The Arpeggiator settings for the Program in each Zone can be adjusted in Program Edit
Use the TAP TEMPO button to set the rate of the Arpeggiator or tempo synced FX (such as
Delay). Press the TAP TEMPO button a few times at the desired rate to set the tempo.
You can also set a tempo by pressing the TAP TEMPO button, then using the ALPHA
WHEEL or PREVIOUS/NEXT buttons to set a tempo, or use the keypad function of the
CATEGORY buttons to type a numeric value followed by pressing the ENTER button.
Press the SHIFT button to shift between 3 rows of 4 knob assignments.
In Multi Mode, the top row of knob assignments (ZN1 VOL through ZN4 VOL) control
the volume of each Zone. Move a knob to see the selected Zone volume value in the LCD
display. The Zone volume value can be adjusted for each Zone in Multi Edit Mode.
The bottom two rows of knob assignments perform the functions labeled on the front panel
(see below for details). The amount of each function applied can be adjusted for each Zone
in Multi Edit Mode. Because of this, the bottom two rows of knob assignments may function
differently for each Zone in each Multi.
The FILTER 1 knob is usually assigned to filter frequency. The FILTER 2 knob is usually
assigned to filter resonance. These knobs may be assigned to different filter parameters for
each Program. Move a knob to see the assigned parameter and value for each Zone in the
LCD display.
The ATTACK knob is assigned to amplitude attack time (the time it takes for each note to
reach its full volume). When the ATTACK knob is set to a low value, the attack time will be
fast, and each note will quickly reach its full volume. When the ATTACK knob is set to a
high value, the attack time will be slow, and each note will slowly fade up to its full volume.
This can be useful for making acoustic instrument Programs sound like synth “pad” sounds.