Multi Edit Mode
Controllers Page
The Foot assignment controls a wah effect for some Programs. Usually the wah effect must be
enabled with the VARIATION button. The Foot assignment can also be used to send MIDI
CC 4 to external MIDI devices.
The Pan assignment controls panning (left/right stereo placement). The Pan assignment can
also be used to send MIDI CC 10 to external MIDI devices.
Use the Value parameter to set a default value (0-127) for the CC Pedal, which will be
applied whenever the Multi is selected.
When the Value parameter is selected, you can set a value by using the ALPHA WHEEL, or
by using the keypad function of the CATEGORY buttons to type a value (0-127) followed
by pressing the ENTER button.
A value of “None” can be selected by using the ALPHA WHEEL to scroll below 0. A value
of “None” allows the CC pedal assignment in each Zone/MIDI channel to use the last
value it had in the previously selected Multi (if the previously selected Multi had the same
assignments in the same Zones/MIDI channels). For example, when controlling the volume
of your Multis with the Expression assignment, a value of “None” is useful so that the
Expression value does not get set to a default value when selecting a new Multi.
Controllers Page
Use the Controllers Page to adjust controller settings for each Zone. Settings can be adjusted
for the MODULATION WHEEL, as well as the KNOBS assignments.