Operating the oven
User's guide
Turn the right switch again in order to select the cooking
temperature and to con
rm press
Turn the right switch again in order to select the cooking
setting and to con
rm press
to save the settings.
You will be returned to the settings view or you will return to the
cooking process. Cooking times are automatically calculated.
You can also set
nish times and cooking time.
(See 11.6.1 and 11.6.3
If a cooking process has already been started, it will only be possible to change the cooking
settings within the
rst 10 minutes.
11.5.4 Changing the cooking temperature
A cooking temperature has been pre-set for all of the programmes.
The temperature can only be changed within a speci
ed range in the case of the method of cooking pro-
grammes. For the functions, the temperature can be selected for a speci
c function within a range of 30°C
(no temperature setting) and 300°C.
11.5.5 To change the cooking temperature:
Touch the symbol
Then press the
symbol several times
until you reach cooking temperature.
Turn the right switch again in order to select the cooking
temperature and to con
rm press