V - 4 Feed - back position (Option)
The SMARTRONIC MA positioner may be
fitted with an optional position recopy board
delivering a 4- 20 mA output signal.
Max. load 1000 Ohms
Power supply 15 to 24 VDC
Technical Characteristics
Power Supply
15 to 24 VDC
4- 20 mA two- wire, with galvanic / electronic isolation
Load resistance
0 - 1000 Ohms
Hysteresis + dead band
0,1 % of full scale
0,1 % of full scale
Temperature effect from T
C min to T
C max
0,05 % of full scale
V - 5 HART console connection
The positioner board can communicate with a
HART console.
Simply connect the HART modem or the
input of the Pocket 375 or 475 in parallel with the
positioner 4- 20 mA input.
Max. load: 250 Ohms
HART device
(Modem, pocket 375...)
Power supply 4 - 20 mA