Pos: 29.62 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/A-E/Antriebsketten @ 27\mod_1246355234599_78.doc @ 267399
13.9 Drive
Pos: 29.63 /BA/Sicherheit/Gefahrenhinweise/Einzugsgefahr der Antriebsketten @ 34\mod_1256045314627_78.doc @ 325616
WARNING! – Danger of entanglement in the drive chains!
Effect: Risk of injury caused by entanglement of loose long hair or loose clothing.
After working on the chains, always reassemble or close the safety devices.
Pos: 29.64 /BA/Wartung/Rundballenpresse/Prüfen der Antriebsketten @ 34\mod_1256044608299_78.doc @ 325566
All work chains, with the exception of those on the double twine guide, are supplied with oil
through the central chain lubrication system.
Since the lubricating oil lines are not charged with high pressure, it may happen that they
become clogged. Because of this, the lubricating oil lines should be checked daily before they
are used to ensure they are working properly.
The method of operation of the central chain lubrication system is explained in section
settings and operation“
Pos: 29.65 /BA/-----Seitenumbruch------ @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165