Maintenance - Blade Changing
Pos: 135 /Überschriften/Ü berschriften 1/U-Z/Wartung - M esser wechsel @ 107\mod_1334638484298_78.docx @ 968003 @ 1 @ 1
Maintenance - Blade Changing
Pos: 136.1 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 2/K-O/KKontroll e der M ähklingen und Messer halterung @ 0\mod_1197265641329_78.docx @ 16323 @ 2 @ 1
Checking the Cutter Blades and Blade Holder
Pos: 136.2 /BA/Sicherheit/7. Gefahr enhinweise alt/M ähwer ke/Gefahr - F ehl ende und beschädigte M ähklingen und Mähklingenhal ter ung en @ 0\mod_1197265722813_78.docx @ 16342 @ @ 1
Warning! - Missing and damaged cutter blades and cutter blade retainers.
Effect: Danger to life, serious injuries or damage to the machine
• Check cutter blades at least once per day and check retaining bolts every time you change
the blades or after contact with foreign objects.
• Immediately replace missing or damaged cutter blades and cutter blade retainers
Pos: 136.3 /Ü berschriften/Ü berschriften 3/K-O/MM ähkli ngen @ 0\mod_1197265959110_78.docx @ 16361 @ 3 @ 1
Cutter Blades
Pos: 136.4 /BA/War tung/Mähwer ke/Di e Bohr ung der M ähklingen kann sich durch Verschl eiß aufweiten. @ 10\mod_1221048982715_78.docx @ 131675 @ @ 1
The borehole on the cutter blades may spread due to wear.
Pos: 136.5 /BA/Sicherheit/7. Gefahr enhinweise alt/M ähwer ke/War nung - Z u geri nge M aterialstär ke an den Mähkling en_neu @ 312\mod_1418983956660_78.docx @ 2409555 @ @ 1
Danger! - Insufficient thickness of material on the cutter blades.
Effect: Danger to life or serious injuries.
• The cutter blades must be replaced at the latest when the wear limit is reached (see mark
(1) on the cutter blade; dimension a less than or equal to 13 mm).
Pos: 136.6 /BA/War tung/Mähwer ke/M ähklingen beidseitig ver wenbar_neu @ 3\mod_1204728012601_78.docx @ 72608 @ @ 1
Fig. 40
Note - The cutter blades can be turned around and used on both sides.
• When cutter blades are missing or damaged, they must be replaced as a complete set.
This prevents dangerous unbalanced rotation
Pos: 136.7 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbr uch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1
Summary of Contents for EasyCut F 280
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