Machine Description
Pos: 34 /BA/Sicher heit/EasyC ut/Sicher hei t Ei nführung EasyC ut @ 3\mod_1204553763950_78.docx @ 70812 @ 2 @ 1
The disc mower is equipped with all safety devices (protective devices). However, it is not
possible to eliminate all potential hazards on this machine as this would impair its full functional
capability. Hazard warnings are attached to the machine in the relevant areas to warn against
any dangers. The safety instructions are provided in the form of so-called warning pictograms.
Important information on the position of these safety signs and what they mean is given below!
Pos: 35 /BA/Sicher heit/2. Vor angestellte Warnhi nweise/Warnung - Beschädigte oder unlesbare Warnbildzeichen @ 120\mod_1343305789479_78.docx @ 1099853 @ @ 1
Danger of injury on machine parts if danger zones have not been marked when warning
pictograms are missing, damaged or illegible.
Danger of injury due to dangerous parts and other residual risks as users or third parties enter
the danger area or reach into it as they are not aware of the danger.
• Immediately replace damaged or illegible labels.
• Following repair work, always attach appropriate adhesive safety labels to all the replaced,
modified or repaired components.
• Never clean areas carrying an adhesive safety label using a high-pressure cleaner.
Familiarise yourself with the statement of the warning pictograms. The adjacent text and
the selected location on the machine provide information on the special danger spots on
the machine.
Pos: 36 /BA/Sicher heit/6. Ü ber arbeitete War nhi nweiseHi nweis - Nachbestellung/ Anbringung Aufkl eber ( 2015-08-05 09:45:44) @ 0\mod_1195637337107_78.docx @ 1079 @ 33 @ 1
Re-Ordering the Adhesive Safety and Information Labels
Every adhesive safety and information label is assigned an order number and can be ordered
directly from the manufacturer or from an authorized dealer (see Section "Contact").
Affixing the Adhesive Safety and Information Labels
Note - Affixing an adhesive label
Effect: Adhesion of the label
• The surface for affixing the adhesive label must be clean and free of dirt, oil and grease.
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Summary of Contents for EasyCut F 280
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