Getting to Know Your K3 System
Markings on the K3 Portable Base
(Fig. 14A&B)
Horizontal lines on the face of each side of the
upright of the Portable Base are used to set the
Depth Collar position on the Drill Bit. These drill
depths allow for maximum screw penetration in the
mating workpiece when using the recommended
screw for the size material being joined. To use these
markings the
stepped shoulder
of the Drill Bit is
aligned with the mark by sighting across the surface
of Drill Guide Block. Be careful not to set the Depth
Collar so that the Drill Bit will penetrate the jig itself.
When departing from the designated drill bit depth
settings for the given material thickness the pilot
point of the Drill Bit should be kept a height of
approximately 1/8” above the projected surface
of the Portable Base.
About the Premium Face Clamp
(Fig. 14C&D)
The preferred clamping mechanism for the Portable
Base is the Premium Face Clamp. The Premium
Face Clamp is attached to the Portable Base by
rotating the Locking Tabs to locate the smaller pad
of the Premium face Clamp. The smaller pad is
placed within the recess on the back of the Portable
Base and the Locking Tabs are rotated to capture
the smaller clamp pad but still allow freedom of
movement of the Premium Face Clamp. After drilling
the pocket holes in the work pieces, the Locking Tabs
may be rotated to remove the Premium Face Clamp
so it may be used for assembly. A network of ribs sit
above the rear surface of the Portable Base so that
virtually any type of C-clamp may be used to hold
the Portable Base to the workpiece being drilled. The
K3 Portable Base provides a convenient way to drill
pocket holes in large panels or cumbersome work
pieces by simply locating the step of the Portable
base against the edge of the workpiece and
clamping in position.
Set the drill guide block to the
proper position prior to checking drill
bit depth collar setting.
Sight across Portable Base and Drill
Guide Block to set drilling depth.
Locking tabs capture small pad of
clamp on backside of Portable Base.
Premium Face Clamp in use on edge
of large panel.
Fig. 14A
Fig. 14B
Fig. 14C
Fig. 14D