6.1 Operating the TP-900UHD Using the Front Panel
During normal operation (without the OSD), the front panel buttons performs following functions:
• Pressing HDBT/HDMI alternatively select either HDBT or HDMI inputs
Pressing MENU opens the on-screen display (OSD) (an item of main menu, for example “SETUP CON-
FIGURATION”), the next press closes the OSD
Pressing ENTER (when not in OSD) opens input signal status (for example “INPUT: HDMI 1080P 60
Pr/FREEZE freezes image, the next press unfreezes the display
Pr/FREEZE and “-“ buttons together reset the output resolution to 1080p60
6.2 Using the OSD
You can use the OSD to set a wide variety of parameters. When the MENU button is pressed, the main
menu opens allowing access to all the device settings.
While the OSD is open, the front panel buttons perform the following functions:
Pressing ENTER selects and activates a menu item or accepts the parameter value set. Press and
hold ENTER button together with the “-“ or with “+” to accelerate auto decrement or increment of
parameter values.
• Pressing - or + move forward and backward through the menu items and decrement or increment
the parameter values. Press and hold the “-“ button together with “+” button to set rapidly parame-
ter factory default value (only when the OSD is open).
Pressing MENU when the OSD is open, exit menu one level hierarchy up.
As an example of setting parameters, to increase the contrast on the display:
1. From normal operation, press MENU. An item of the main OSD menu appears on the screen.
2. Press the + or – button to navigate to submenu IMAGE QUALITY ADJUSTING.