8 Removal
8.1 General points
All work on the device may only be carried out by trained and professionally
qualified staff.
During all work, care must be taken that everything remains absolutely
Close all openings with protective caps to prevent dirt from penetrating into
the system.
8.2 Removal of the gear type flow meter
Hazard caused by hazardous fluids
When operating the device with hazardous fluids, comply with the safety
datasheets and the regulations on handling these fluids.
Leaks of hazardous transport materials must be collected in such a manner
that no hazards arise for people and the environment.
Always comply with the existing national and international regulations ap-
plicable at the place of installation.
Hazard caused by hazardous fluids
Before removing and emptying the device, take sufficient protective meas-
ures and wear suitable protective clothing.
Provide sufficiently large collecting tanks.
If necessary, ensure the workstation is sufficiently ventilated.
Hazard caused by breakage or fluids spurting out
The connection pipelines must be made pressure-less before any work is
done on the device and prior to removal.
Danger posed by voltage
The special safety regulations shall be followed for any work on electrical
installations. This work may only be carried out by a qualified electrician.
Gear type flow meter VC 0,025 ... VC 16
BVC0002EN-D0025420002_01 2010-07-05