If fault occurs there will be Err message on display. In case of error contact authorized
service of Kospel.
Anode’s state control
When device is in use, the anode wears naturally. That is why, periodic control and
replacement is necessary. In heat pump HPSW an insulated anode was used which
allows for preliminary control of its consumption with no need to disassemble. System
for measuring the state of anode is built into the device’s controller. The measurement
is carried out automatically once a day. In case when insufficient protection is detected,
a message about the need to replace the anode will appear on the panel. It is also
possible to verify the state of anode using universal meter.
To verify the state of anode:
disconnect the power supply (leave device filled with water),
remove the casing cover,
disconnect the anode wire from connector joint,
use universal meter to measure protective current between an anode and
a cylinder’s jacket (pic.).
If the value of measured current exceeds 0,3 mA, anode provides sufficient protection.
In other case, unscrew the anode, evaluate its state of use, and if needed exchange it.