2. Press a Lane, Envelope, LFO, or Effect button; move a
; hold
and move a controller or
play a note on the keyboard (for Velocity); send a MIDI message; or for the Filter, Amp, or Pitch sections,
move a knob for that section. Use the on-screen list for other selections, such as Key Track or Mod Processors.
moving a knob in this popup will not edit the knob’s parameter.
3. Press
to confirm, close the popup, and return to the Mods page. Alternatively, to exit without making
a change, hold
and press
The Show setting is included in the top line of the display: ALL, FILTER, SHAPE LANE, etc. The list will be filtered to
show only the matching items—notice how much bigger the scroll-bar thumb is in the filtered list below, indicating
that there are only a few items in the list.
To clear the Show setting and show all modulations:
1. Press
in the Show In Mod List dialog, or set Show to All.
Deleting a modulation routing
To delete the currently shown modulation routing:
1. Hold
and press
A confirmation message will appear, asking if you want to delete the modulation routing.
2. Press
to confirm, or
to cancel.
Mod Knobs
There are eight Mod Knobs per Program, each of which can modulate any number of parameters in its Program (the
knob names are just suggestions). An additional layer of Performance Mod Knobs can modulate parameters
throughout the entire Performance—including, specifically, the Program Mod Knobs. Each of these 40 (!) knobs sends
and receives a MIDI CC; see “MIDI CC Assign” on page 78.
The Mod Knobs are designed for both real-time control and editing. Their positions are stored, as shown on the Mod
Knobs page: