Korenix | Network Feature
Start file
Start command
Stop command
keepalived -n
keepalived -f keepalived.conf
keepalived -d
keepalived -h
keepalived -v
Either long or short options are allowed.
keepalived --vrrp -P Only run with VRRP subsystem.
keepalived --check -C Only run with Health-checker subsystem.
keepalived --dont-release-vrrp -V Dont remove VRRP VIPs & VROUTEs on daemon stop.
keepalived --dont-release-ipvs -I Dont remove IPVS topology on daemon stop.
keepalived --dont-fork -n Dont fork the daemon process.
keepalived --use-file -f Use the specified configuration file.
Default is /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf.
keepalived --dump-conf -d Dump the configuration data.
keepalived --log-console -l Log message to local console.
keepalived --log-detail -D Detailed log messages.
keepalived --log-facility -S 0-7 Set syslog facility to LOG_LOCAL[0-7].
keepalived --help -h Display this short inlined help screen.
keepalived --version -v Display the version number
keepalived --pid -p pidfile
keepalived --checkers_pid -c checkers pidfile
keepalived --vrrp_pid -r vrrp pidfile
Start keepalived with VRRP subsystem only:
# keepalived -P
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is an IETF standard that provides a redundant
router mechanism to increase the reliability of existing networks. The VRRP process provides