Korenix | Network Feature
-S send output to syslog
-T set multicast time to live
-d display stats
-D display stats in .csv format
-R record data about sync packets in a file
-x do not reset the clock if off by more than one second
-O do not reset the clock if offset is more than NUMBER nanoseconds
-M do not accept delay values of more than NUMBER nanoseconds
-t do not adjust the system clock
-a NUMBER,NUMBER specify clock servo P and I attenuations
-w NUMBER specify one way delay filter stiffness
-b NAME bind PTP to network interface NAME
-u ADDRESS also send uni-cast to ADDRESS
-e run in ethernet mode (level2)
-h run in End to End mode
-l NUMBER,NUMBER specify inbound, outbound latency in nsec
-o NUMBER specify current UTC offset
-i NUMBER specify PTP domain number
-n NUMBER specify announce interval in 2^NUMBER sec
-y NUMBER specify sync interval in 2^NUMBER sec
-m NUMBER specify max number of foreign master records
-g run as slave only
-v NUMBER specify system clock allen variance
-r NUMBER specify system clock accuracy
-s NUMBER specify system clock class
-p NUMBER specify priority1 attribute
-q NUMBER specify priority2 attribute
Start ptpd2 in slave mode:
# ptpd2 -g
Start ptpd2 in master mode :
# ptpd2
The PTP daemon (PTPd) implements the Precision Time protocol (PTP) as defined by the