To insert (or to change) the filament, the machine Hot End extruder must be heated first. This can be done in
two ways, either using the Repetier-Host software or via the onboard LCD control panel.
Using the control panel go into 'Quick Settings' by turning the jog wheel and select 'Preheat PLA/ABS' (depending
on which filament you are using) and press the jog wheel.
WARNING: 'Preheat PLA/ABS' heats the printer hot end assembly and the print bed to the required
appropriate temperatures -
use caution not to touch either whilst heating or hot (between 50 and 260⁰C)
Select 'Back' on the control panel to return to the 'Main Menu'. This will show you the current Extruder and Heated
Bed actual temperatures (to the left) and target temperatures (to the right) after heating is complete. Once the target
temperatures have been achieved, the extruder is ready to take filament.
Make sure the end of the filament is cleanly cut and straighten 40mm using your fingers. This will make it easier
to feed the filament through the filament feeder mechanism.
With one hand gently squeeze/pinch the filament extruder arm as shown below, and carefully feed the filament up
through the 'rectangular nipple' past the filament drive gear and up into the PTFE feeder tube. Do not over
squeeze/pinch the filament extruder during filament loading as this will make feeding the filament
Rev001/01/2018 Kora Pro PC