Website: www.konlen.com
U1 building, Oriental Garden, NanShan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province,China
Tel: +86-(0)755-86082432 E-mail:
Skype: securitykonlen
GND, +12V DC wires to be connected with a 12V DC (Power supply)
Configuration of the host
There are 10 connector ports on top of the host:
I1; I2; I3: These 3 ports for input, every port can be connected with ground or open to make alarm out.
O1; O2: These 2 ports for output, you can call in or send SMS to set it. If output of these ports goes high, the light
of OUT 1 or OUT 2 will light on the panel. (NOTE: these ports must be connected with external circuit,
un-professionals should use with caution !!!)
SPEAKER(O3): This port is for voice output, it can be connected to the speaker. The other port of the speaker is
connected to ground. You can control it by call in or send the SMS. If this function avails, the light of OUT 3 will
light on the panel.
RELAY1; RELAY2: These two ports will be closed for 3 minutes when alarm happens. You can use these two
ports to start the power supply of the camera when alarm happens. This function can be disabled by set command:
16#1#. You can also make this relay close or open anytime by sending SMS or phone calls (94#1# or 94#0# ).
SIREN: This port outputs siren tone alarm, it is to be connected with the siren. The other port of siren to be
connected to ground.
GND: power ground.
How to setup the alarm phone numbers and SMS
You can send command to the host to setup 5 groups of alarm phone numbers. The format is:
Password #operation code#content #
123456#51#13907550001#. save first group alarm phone number into the host.
123456#52#13907550002#. save second group alarm phone number into the host.
123456#53#13907550003#. save third group alarm phone number into the host.
123456#54#13907550004#. save fourth group alarm phone number into the host.
123456#55#13907550005#. save fifth group alarm phone number into the host.
There are 7 kinds of alarm messages in the host: The first five messages are for wireless detectors of zone 1-5; the
sixth message is for wireless detectors of zone 6-16; the seventh message is for wired port I1, I2, I3.
If the first wireless detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wireless Activated (01)
If the second wireless detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wireless Activated (02)
If the third wireless detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wireless Activated (03)
If the fourth wireless detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wireless Activated (04)
If the fifth wireless detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wireless Activated (05)
If the sixth to sixteen wireless detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wireless Activated (i); i=6-16
If the wired detector is triggered, the alarm message is: Wired Activated (i); i=1-3, for port 1 to 3 alarm
Users can send command to the host to change these 7 kinds of alarm messages.
The alarm message cannot be
more than 24 English characters.
123456#81#Front door open#: save first group message into the host as first wireless detector is triggered