Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
KomShine QX45/QX35
All the brands and names mentioned in this document are properties of us. This document
is subject to change without prior notice. We disclaims any liability for occasional or
secondary damages caused by errors in this document or by the use of this document or
Safety Precautions
When using the product, take the following safety measures. Failure to adopt safe
operation methods or failure to observe warnings in this document may cause violation of
the safety standards for design, production, and use of the product. We disclaims any
liability for any consequence caused by violation of the preceding requirements.
Operating environment
The maximum relative humidity is 95%.
Before powering on the product
Ensure that the voltage of the power supply meets the product requirement, an
appropriate fuse is installed, and all necessary safety measures have been taken.
DO NOT use the product in an explosive environment.
DO NOT use this product in an environment with flammable gas or fume.
DO NOT remove the protective case from the product.
Operators are prohibited to remove the protective case of the product, or replace the
internal components. To remove protective case of the product, or replace the internal
components, please contact maintenance engineers of us.
Safety Symbols
This Warning symbol indicates the existence of a danger. It reminds users to pay
attention to a process, an operation method, or a similar case. Failure to
operate properly or observe related rules may cause physical injuries. Before
fully understanding and meeting the conditions indicated by this symbol, do
not proceed with the next step.
This Caution symbol indicates the existence of a danger. It reminds users to
pay attention to a process, an operation method, or a similar case. Failure
to operate properly or observe related rules may cause partial or full damages
to the product. Before fully understand and meet the conditions indicated by
this symbol, do not proceed with the next step.
This Indication symbol provides useful information for using or maintaining
the product.