I/O Terminal /
2.1.5 LED
The signal LEDs indicate the status of the encoder inputs A, B, C, Status input and of the logic
inputs of the gate and of the additional external latch.
The RUN LED indicates cyclic data transfer with the higher-level controller.
The RUN LED goes off if no process data is exchanged for 100 ms.
2.1.6 Process
The AKT-ENC-000-000 always occupies 6 bytes of input data and 6 bytes of output data. The
control / status byte is at the least significant byte offset.
The data word D0/D1 contains the counter value (read/set) and the data word D3/D4 contains the
latch word (read).
In the period measurement mode the value can be found in D2 together with D3 and D4.