Innovative Network RTK Receiver
Input the username and password into corresponding field after the login interface appears, the menu is listed on the
tablet screen, tap on the menu and start to operate on this web UI.
5.2. WIFI Client (Datalink)
WIFI client means the WIFI function will work as a datalink for receiver that it is able to connect to the other
hotspot and access to the internet, captures corrections from CORS station. Here we will introduce how to setup the
WIFI client on S680N in two methods.
5.2.1. Configure on Web UI
Due to the WIFI hotspot (AP) is the default WIFI mode on S680N receiver, and the WIFI AP mode and WIFI client
mode can’t exist at the same time, therefore, WIFI client mode must be switched into from WIFI AP mode, and
switch the datalink into WIFI for S680N receiver.
Login the web UI of S680N via L7U50 cable, input IP into address bar of IE browser, then input
username and password for login to the server.
Go to Configuration—General Config, switch the working mode into Rover or Base, and datalink as WIFI, click on
button to confirm the settings. In this section, Rover + WIFI mode and Base + WIFI mode are
respectively introduced.
Rover + WIFI mode