13.2. RTD Sensor function
If the
Analog RTD sensor
(PT1000) sensor is connected
to the device’s RTD input, the
parameter has the following
available options:
• Disabled – a default
value: an external sensor is
connected but has not
been enabled
• Changeover sensor
• Remote sensor
• Floor sensor
If a RTD sensor is not
connected or a sensor with
resistance smaller than 803
Ω or bigger than 1480 Ω is
connected, a message
connected will be shown
instead. Connect only to a
PT1000 RTD sensor.
13.1.1. Binary Input: Window
If the
Window Contact parameter is selected and a window’s contact switch is triggered by an
open window, then the system will go into
Standby mode to save energy. The operating status
on the home screen will state
Standby - Window is Open to notify users. Once the window has
been closed, the system will resume normal operation.
13.1.2. Binary Input:
Presence Sensor
If the
Presence Sensor parameter is selected and the sensor is not detecting any presence, the
system will go from
Comfort mode to Economy mode. The operating status on the Home screen
will state
Economy mode – No presence detected. Once the presence is detected, the system
will resume to
Comfort mode.
The contact polarity can be reversed by selecting the binary input polarity
Normally open or
Normally closed.
Select to save your changes.
13.2.1. RTD sensor Function:
If the
RTD sensor function parameter is set to Changeover, the device will automatically
change from heating to cooling or vice versa as required. Changeover will be determined by
the temperature in the duct or pipe. If the temperature in the duct or pipe is above 28°C, the
control mode will change to heating. If the temperature is below 18°C, the control mode will be
changed to cooling.
13.2.2. RTD sensor Function:
Remote sensor
The remote sensor for room temperature measurement can be activated by selecting
sensor from the available RTD Sensor Function parameter options.
13.2.3. RTD Sensor Function:
Floor Sensor
Floor Heating Sensor function requires fl oor temperature sensor (PT1000) to be connected
and enabled in the settings. Enable the fl oor sensor by selecting
Floor Sensor from the
Sensor function parameter options. Select to save your changes.
13.2.4. Max Floor
This parameter limits the maximum fl oor temperature in
Heating mode. If the fl oor sensor
parameter is enabled, a
Max Floor Temperature parameter will appear at the bottom of screen:
In/Out [1/2]. Adjust maximum fl oor temperature by using the + / - buttons.
When the temperature measured by the fl oor sensor is bigger than the
Max fl oor temperature
value, the C35-FC will close the heating valve. Select to save your changes.