Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak
Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
External Control
The state of the way to control Ektapro slide projectors
Thanks to the modern RS232 interface (P-Bus) of the Ektapro slide projectors controlling
and programming slide shows have never been so easy and comfortable as nowadays.
Hence, all systems on the market are based on the same controlling principals:
Either they do a direct control via a PC (see illustration 1) or control is done via a separate
hardware controller (see illustration 2).
Please note, you will still find systems on the market which do not use any software for the
programming and /or controlling. But the possibilities in creating shows are rather poor as
the systems have access to only a few of the features of the Ektapro projector. In most cases
such systems synchronize the dissolves to an audio tape.
addresses see page 69
Illustration 1:
PC (Software) Direct Control
Illustration 2:
PC (Software) and Hardware
A standard RS232 cable (not a
Kodak product!)
standard RS232 cable
standard RS232 cables