Upgrading NIC Firmware and Resetting NIC to Factory Defaults
July 1998
The NIC recognizes the Þle as a Þrmware image and loads it into
memory instead of printing it. Once it is loaded and its checksum
values are veriÞed, the NIC automatically resets itself and runs the
new Þrmware.
Note: If an error or process interruption occurs, the NIC continues to run
the old Þrmware and sends an error message to the console.
Recovering from a Failed Download
During the ßash download procedure, an error may cause the ßash
update to fail. If this occurs, the NIC will remain at its current Þrmware
release or will fail to reboot properly.
If the NIC remains at its current Þrmware release, retry the download. If it
fails to start up correctly, it may store an alternate bank of code that can
be restored.
To recover from a failed download:
1. Reset the NIC to factory defaults.
2. Put front panel switches D1 and D2 down.
3. Power cycle the unit.
4. After powerup, toggle the D2 switch up and down quickly Þve times
(ten times total).
5. Put switches in normal printing mode (D1 up, D2 down).
6. Power cycle the unit again. If the box does not appear to recover, go to
step 2. If it does recover, stop here.
Restoring the Alternate Bank Image
1. Access the ßash commands by running a Telnet monitor.
2. Use the
Copy This Image to Other Bank
command to update the
alternate bank image.