Installation and Operation Manual
PG 34/44
REV: A (9/4/2020)
Air Horn - Installation
Disassemble Trumpets from Air Horn Driver (item 3 in below picture), by grasping Trumpet throats with
hand and twisting counter-clockwise; it may be necessary to clamp Air Horn Driver. Air Horn should be
separated into three components, as shown below.
Figure 27
Disassembly of Air Horn by Separating Trumpets
Gather X3-301 Horn Bracket,
), and a 4” long piece of masking tape, or similar and
temporarily tape carriage bolts to bottom of Bracket, as shown below; threads should be sticking up.
NOTE: This step is necessary, as space constraints near Sway Bar make it difficult to insert bolts with
Bracket in place. Apply tape long enough that it can be easily removed after installation.
Figure 28
Carriage Bolts temporarily taped in place on Horn Bracket
Gather X3-302 and Rubber U-Trim (
H18), cut trim and install into holes, as shown below.
Figure 29
X3-302 with Rubber U-Trim installed, exploded view
H5 (2)
5.5” LONG
4.5” LONG