Document No:KE-4032-02
◆ This manual provides users with the instructions on correct use of KITZ ESR Series electric
actuators. Ensure to carefully read all the items of this manual before handling, storage,
installation, operation and maintenance of the product.
◆ This manual covers the normal use of the product as a general guide to users, but does not
necessarily cover all possible conditions or situations that may be caused to users while using
the product. If technical assistance beyond the scope of this manual is required, users are
recommended to contact KITZ Corporation or the distributors in their locations.
◆ Numerical limits and procedures of operation, maintenance and inspection provided in this
manual are specified in consideration of safe and trouble-free operation of the product. It is
forbidden to use the product in any condition that may exceed such numerical limits or conflict
with such procedures.
◆ Drawings, tables, photographs and illustrations of the product in this manual provide users with
only the basic information. Ask KITZ Corporation or the distributors for detailed assembly
drawings of the products, if needed.
◆ Any information provided in this manual is subject to from-time-to-time change without notice
for error rectification, product discontinuation, design modification, or any other causes that
KITZ Corporation considers necessary.