Document No:KE-4032-02 Page:9/19
Mount an actuated valve with a wrench
firmly held around the valve end, which
is jointed with a pipe. Holding the
wrench around another valve end,
which is open to the atmosphere, may
cause a too excessive load to the
valve body (Fig.13).
Do not apply any excessive bending moment to an actuated valve, to avoid valve
body deformation and valve functional failure.
Provide an appropriate support to an actuated valve, if the weight of the valve
and operation cycles may cause an excessive load to the piping. Where metal
valves are mounted on plastic piping, care must be particularly taken to securely
support the both ends of the valve.
If sands, metallic particles and other foreign objects are contained in the line
fluid, ensure to mount a filtering device such as a strainer on the upstream side
piping. These foreign objects may get stuck around valve seats and affect valve
function or cause internal fluid leakage.
① Prior to piping installation, check that the design specifications of an actuated valve
all satisfy service conditions.
② Also remove dusts, scales and other foreign residues from valve end threads and
piping internals
③ Check the kind and the standard of valve threads with a gauge and confirm that the
required number of effective threads are provided.
④ For threading a valve into piping, use a wrench held around the valve end, which is
jointed with a pipe.
⑤ Thread a valve with a tightening torque recommended in Table 1.
⑥ To threaded ends, apply the sealing material which is suitable to the service fluid and
⑦ After piping installation, fully open valves and flush the piping to remove all internal
Table 1 Thread Tightening Torque
(The table below shows figures in cases of bronze/brass valves.)
size 1/2 3/4 1 11/4
11/2 2
Tightening torque
Fig. 13