Built-In Single and Double Wall Ovens
Receiving and Distributing Electricity
The 120 VAC section
Once the oven is plugged in 120 VAC is supplied to the Appliance Manager at the J8 connector. This 120
VAC input is constant anytime the oven is plugged in. With the Appliance Manager powered up and
the connection between the Appliance Manager connector P1 and the User Interface connector J4,
the two electronic controls are able to speak to each other. Information the consumer inputs into the
Control Panel User Interface/Keypad is transferred to the Appliance Manager so that the necessary
relays on the board open and close. The Appliance Manager is also interperting information from
the LOGIC Circuits about the oven. The Appliance Manager needs everything about the oven to be
correct before it will proceed with the customer’s request. If the LOGIC circuits are not right, the
control will produce an error code. The circuit below shows how the power supply is delivered.
The L1 circuit provides all the components with power through the P5-7 connection. Once a relay closed
(K4-K8) it completes a circuit through the component to the Neutral side of the line.