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Sample color tracking program controlling motor lights
This sample program is a demo that tracks an object on color channel 0 and lights up the motor ports
that correspond to the object’s location. Each motor port corresponds to one-fourth of the screen. If
the object is on the lower half of the screen a red motor light will come on. In on the upper half a green
motor light will come on.
Set Up
Attach the camera to the KIPR Link. You need to set the color model on channel 0 to track an object you
can move in front of the camera (the more saturated the color, the better). For best results point the
camera horizontally at a grid marked off on a piece of paper so you can see the accuracy of the
behavior. The center of the camera’s field of vision needs to be aligned with the center of the grid.
Finally, test and download the program to the KIPR Link.
Green 0
Green 1
Green 2
Green 3
Red 0
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3