FP 50 D
Issue: 04/2011
Function and Components
3 .1
Components Overview
3 .1 .1 Projection Drive
The FP 50 D console projector is suitable to reproduce 35 mm films and sound for-
mats in small, medium and large cinemas.
The film is transported through the projector from the top to the bottom.
The projector head can be equipped with flange connected spool arms up to a
capacity of 2000 m. The take-up friction is driven via a toothed belt from the main
drive motor.
The film can also be guided via a set of guide rollers to and from the non-rewind
Depending on the requirement an automation system can be integrated in the
projector housing.
In the housing there are also the xenon unit (two types) and the rectifier.
The reverse-scan sound device is directly mounted on projector head and is suit-
able to reproduce analog sound and digital sound DOLBY SR·D. Both sound for-
mats in shape of readers can be combined in one equipment.
Optionally the projector can be equipped with DTS or SDDS reader (Sony). Both
readers can be attached on an extension arm at the top of the projector head.
3 .1 .2 Console
The projector head with frictions or/and set of guide rollers and sound device are
mounted on the console.
Drives and motors are mounted in the projector head.
The whole electrical equipment, the rectifier, the xenon unit, the sound amplifiers
and the automation systems can be mounted into the console.
3 .1 .3 xenon unit
The projector can be equipped with two types of xenon units (1,000 to 2,000 W and
2,000 to 7,000 W).
Two electrodes produce a light arc in a surrounding of pure xenon gas between
each other. The light arc will be reflected via the mirror and lights through film gate,
the film and in result the screen.
A rectifier provides the xenon lamp with power.