Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting
Computer and printer cable may or may not support
bidirectional communication
Are you using the proper printer cable?
To fully take advantage of the features of your Kimosetter 340 printer, you
will need a bi-directional printer port and a bi-directional printer cable.
With AT compatible computers, most typical cables will work.
It is possible to use a one-way interface with the printer if the spooler is set
for one-way interfacing.
Does your computer have a bi-directional port? Is the cable bi-directional?
Windows 95/98 bi-directional interfacing with the printer is only possible if
your computer supports bi-directional parallel ports and you are using a bi-
directional cable.
Is your computer a DOS machine?
All DOS machines (AT compatibles) can use the bi-directional
communication used with this printer.
What are the limitations of using one-way communication with this printer?
1) Printer errors cannot be detected by the printer driver.
2) To store all the print output, an enormous amount of spool data (held in
a temporary file for printing) is generated. As a result, the number of
sheets of media that can be continuously printed will be limited if there
is insufficient free space on the hard disk.
Printer does not print or stops while printing
Is the printer turned on?
Before printing make sure the printer is turned on.
Is the
ready light off?
Press the
ready / insert button and make sure that the ready light comes on.
Is the interface cable correctly connected?
After connecting the cable, make sure nothing is putting pressure on the
cable, and tighten the fastening screws and clamps to secure the cable.
Are the settings in the application correct?
Recheck the printer settings in the application.
Is the printer driver correctly installed?
Install the Kimosetter 340 printer driver from the Installation Disc.