Operating instruction | KIESELMANN GmbH
12 | Appendix
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1 2 A p p e n d i x
12.1 Declaration of incorporation
Declaration of incorporation
Translation of the original
Manufacturer / authorised representative:
Paul-Kieselmann-Str. 4-10
75438 Knittlingen
Authorised representative:
Achim Kauselmann
(for compiling technical documents)
(Documentation / Development)
Paul-Kieselmann-Str. 4-10
75438 Knittlingen
Product name
pneum. Lift actuators
Stroke movement
pneum. Rotary actuators
Rotary movement
Ball valves
Media cutoff
Butterfly valves
Media cutoff
Single seat valves
Media cutoff
Flow control valves
Control of liquefied media
Throttle valve
Control of liquefied media
Overflow valve
Definition of fluid pressure
Double seat valve
Media separation
Bellow valves
Sampling of liquids
Sampling valves
Sampling of liquids
Two way valves
Media cutoff
Tankdome fitting
Prevention of overpressure and vacuum, Tank cleaning
Safety valve
Prevention of overpressure
The manufacturer hereby states that the above product is considered as an incomplete machine in
the sense defined in the Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery. The above product is exclusively in-
tended to be installed into a machine or an incomplete machine. The said product does not yet con-
form to all the relevant requirements defined in the Directive on Machinery referred to above for this
The specific technical documents listed in Appendix VII, Part B, have been prepared. The Authorized
Agent empowered to compile technical documents may submit the relevant documents if such a
request has been properly justified.
Commissioning of an incomplete machine must not only carried out if it has been determined that
the respective machine into which the incomplete machine is to be installed conforms to the regu-
lations set out in the Directive on Machinery referred to above.
The above product conforms to the requirements of the directives and harmonized standards spe-
cified below:
• Directive 2014/68/EU
• DIN EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery
i.V. Uwe Heisswolf
Head of Development
Knittlingen, 21.09.2017