Quick Reference
Keysight InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Analog Bus Display
You can display a bus made up of the analog channel inputs and the external
trigger input. Any of the input channels can be assigned to the bus. The bus values
display appears at the bottom of the graticule. Channel 1 is the least significant bit
and the external trigger input is the most significant bit.
Table 6
Analog Bus Display Features
Front Panel Key/Softkey Location (see built-in help for more information)
Analog bus, display
[Bus] > Display
[Bus] > Select
Entry knob to select
Analog Bus
, push
softkey or Entry knob to enable or
Analog bus, channel
[Bus] > Channel
Entry knob, push Entry knob to make or clear assignment
Analog bus, value
number base
[Bus] > Base
Entry knob (Hex, Binary)
Analog bus, channel 1
threshold level
[Bus] > Ch1 Threshold
Entry knob, push Entry knob for 0 V
Analog bus, channel 2
threshold level
[Bus] > Ch2 Threshold
Entry knob, push Entry knob for 0 V
Analog bus, external
trigger input threshold
[Bus] > Ext Thershold
Entry knob, push Entry knob for 0 V