Keysight InfiniiVision 1000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Quick Reference
Acquisition Control
This section shows how to use the oscilloscope's acquisition controls.
Selecting the Acquisition Mode
When selecting the oscilloscope acquisition mode, keep in mind that samples are
normally decimated (thrown away) at slower time/div settings.
At slower time/div settings, the effective sample rate drops (and the effective
sample period increases) because the acquisition time increases and the
oscilloscope's digitizer is sampling faster than is required to fill memory.
For example, suppose an oscilloscope's digitizer has a sample period of 1 ns
(maximum sample rate of 1 GSa/s) and a 1 M memory depth. At that rate, memory
is filled in 1 ms. If the acquisition time is 100 ms (10 ms/div), only 1 of every 100
samples is needed to fill memory.
Table 16
Acquisition Features
Front Panel Key/Softkey Location (see built-in help for more information)
Acquisition mode
[Acquire] > Acq Mode
Normal acquisition
[Acquire] > Acq Mode, Normal
At slower time/div settings, normal decimation occurs, and there is no averaging. Use this mode for
most waveforms.
Peak detect
acquisition mode
[Acquire] > Acq Mode, Peak Detect
At slower time/div settings when decimation would normally occur, the maximum and minimum
samples in the effective sample period are stored. Use this mode for displaying narrow pulses that
occur infrequently.
Averaging acquisition
[Acquire] > Acq Mode, Averaging, [Acquire] > # Avgs
At all time/div settings, the specified number of triggers are averaged together. Use this mode for
reducing noise and increasing resolution of periodic signals without bandwidth or rise time
High resolution
acquisition mode
[Acquire] > Acq Mode, High Resolution
At slower time/div settings, all samples in the effective sample period are averaged and the average
value is stored. Use this mode for reducing random noise.