If the output load resistance is less than the voltage setting divided by the current setting, the instrument will
operate in constant-current (CC) mode. The voltage will equal the current multiplied by the load resistance.
From the remote interface:
A channel parameter is required with each SCPI command to select an output. For example, (@1) selects output 1
and (@1,2) selects output 1 and 2. The output list must be preceded with an @ symbol and be enclosed in
parentheses ().
To set only output 1 to 5 V and 1 A:
APPL CH1 5, 1
To enable only output 1:
OUTP ON,(@1)
To enable output 1 and output 2:
OUTP ON,(@1,2)
To measure the output voltage and current of output 1:
Keysight E36200 Series User's Guide