4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Advanced Training Guide
Oscilloscope Bandwidth Tutorial
Defining Oscilloscope Bandwidth
All oscilloscopes exhibit a low-pass frequency response that rolls-off at higher
frequencies as shown in
. Most scopes with bandwidth specifications of
1 GHz and below typically have what is called a Gaussian frequency response. An
oscilloscope Gaussian frequency response approximates a single-pole low-pass
The lowest frequency at which the input signal is attenuated by 3 dB is considered
the scope’s bandwidth (f
). Signal attenuation at the -3 dB frequency translates
into approximately -30% amplitude error. In other words, if you input a 1 Vp-p,
100 MHz sine wave into a 100 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope, the measured
peak-to-peak voltage using this scope would be in the range of approximately
700 mVp-p (-3 dB = 20 Log [0.707/1.0]). So you can’t expect to make accurate
measurements on signals that have significant frequencies near your scope’s
Closely related to an oscilloscope’s bandwidth specification is its rise time
specification. Scopes with a Gaussian-type frequency response will have an
approximate rise time of 0.35/f
based on a 10% to 90% criterion. But you need
to remember that a scope’s rise time is not the fastest edge speed that the
oscilloscope can accurately measure. It is the fastest edge speed the scope can
possibly produce if the input signal has a theoretical infinitely fast rise time (0 ps).
Although this theoretical specification is impossible to test — because pulse
generators don’t have infinitely fast edges — from a practical perspective, you can
test your oscilloscope’s rise time by inputting a pulse that has edge speeds that
are 5 to 10 times faster than the scope’s rise time specification.
Figure 104
Oscilloscope Gaussian frequency response