Introduction to the 34980A
Keysight 34980A Mainframe User’s Guide
Alarm Limits
The 34980A has four alarms which you can configure to alert you when a reading
exceeds specified limits on a channel during a scan. You can assign a high limit, a
low limit, or both to any configured channel in the scan list. You can assign
multiple channels to any of the four available alarms (numbered 1 through 4). For
example, you can configure the instrument to generate an alarm on Alarm 1 when
a limit is exceeded on any of channels 1003, 2025, or 3020.
You can also assign alarms to channels on the digital modules (34950A and
34952A). For example, you can generate an alarm when a specific bit pattern or
bit pattern change is detected on a digital input channel or when a specific count
is reached on a totalizer channel. With the digital modules, the channels do not
have to be part of the scan list to generate an alarm.