Z5623A Option H01
Service Information
1. Power Meter Path Insertion Loss, without Amplifier: (S21)
a. Connect the analyzer Port 1 cable to the Test Set port INPUT FROM SOURCE.
b. Connect the analyzer Port 2 cable to the Test Set port OUTPUT TO POWER METER.
c. Set the analyzer to measure S21.
d. Execute GPIB commands: OUTPUT 712;"rst;" and OUTPUT 712;"at_a=0:amp_out;"
e. Measure the amplitude at the following frequencies (GHz), using markers: 1.1, 1.2,
and 1.3.
f. Record the measured results on the
2. Power Meter Path Insertion Loss, with Amplifier: (S21)
a. Use the same analyzer cable connection and S21 parameter as in Step 1.
b. Execute GPIB command: OUTPUT 712;"amp_in;"
c. Measure the amplitude at the following frequency (GHz), using marker: 1.2
d. Record the measured results on the
Test Record sheet
3. Power Meter Path Insertion Loss, with Amplifier: (S12)
a. Using the same analyzer cable connections as Step 1 and 2, change to the S12
measurement parameter.
b. Measure the amplitude at the following frequency (GHz), using marker: 1.2
c. Record the measured results on the
4. Receiver Path Insertion Loss, without Amplifier: (S21)
a. Move the Port 2 analyzer cable to Test Set port OUTPUT TO RECEIVER, and change
to the S21 measurement parameter.
b. Execute GPIB command: OUTPUT 712;"amp_out;"
c. Measure the amplitude at the following frequency (GHz), using marker: 1.2
d. Record the measured results on the
5. Step Attenuator Check, without Amplifier: (S21)
a. Move the Port 2 analyzer cable to Test Set port OUTPUT TO RECEIVER.
b. Execute GPIB command: OUTPUT 712;"amp_out;"
c. Execute commands to operate the 11 and 110 dB attenuators. Visually verify that the
attenuators are functionally operational.
Test Instructions
, is provided to record your 'Measured Results' and
confirm they meet the typical values shown.
Keysight Z5623A-H01 User's Guide