Keysight N778xC Series Polarization Instruments Programming Guide
Error Codes
Error Strings
Error strings in the range -100 to -183 are defined by the SCPI standard,
downloadable from:
String descriptions taken from this standard (VERSION 1999.0 May, 1999),
whether in whole or in part, are enclosed by [ ].
Table 1
Overview for Supported Strings
"No error"
"Command Error"
[This is the generic syntax error used when a more specific error cannot be detected. This code
indicates only that a Command Error as defined in
IEEE 488.
2, has occurred.]
"Invalid character"
[A syntactic element contains a character which is invalid for that type; for example, a header
containing an ampersand, SETUP&. This error might be used in place of error -114 and perhaps
some others.]
"Syntax error"
[An unrecognized command or data type was encountered; for example, a string was received
when the
does not accept strings.]
"Invalid separator"
[The parser was expecting a separator and encountered an illegal character; for example, the
semicolon was omitted after a program message unit]
"Data type error"
[The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed; for example,numeric or string
data was expected but block data was encountered.]
"GET not allowed"
[A Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message (see
2, 7.7).]
"Parameter not allowed"
[More parameters were received than expected for the header]
"Missing parameter"
[Fewer parameters were received than required for the header]
"Command header error"
"Header separator error"