Keysight N778xC Series Polarization Instruments Programming Guide
Error Codes
"Trigger deadlock"
"Arm deadlock"
"Parameter error (StatParmError)”
The user has passed a parameter that cannot be changed in this way. The device cannot detect one
of the following more specific errors:
-220, "Parameter error (StatParmOutOfRange)"
The user has passed a parameter that exceeds the valid range for this parameter.
"Parameter error (StatParmIllegalVal)"
The user has passed a parameter that does not match a value in a list of possible values.
"Settings conflict (StatParmInconsistent)"
The user has passed a parameter that conflicts with other already configured parameters.
There are constrains for TLS sweep parameters: this error is generated when lambda step size
exceeds the difference between start and stop wavelength.
If error -221 is returned after you try to start a wavelength sweep, one of the following cases of
sweep parameter inconsistency has occurred:
Continuous Sweep mode AND l Start is less than l Stop.
Continuous Sweep mode AND Sweep Time is too short. Adjust Sweep Speed, l Start, or l Stop.
Continuous Sweep mode AND Sweep Time is too long. Adjust Sweep Speed, l Start, or l Stop.
Continuous Sweep mode AND Trigger Frequency is too high. Adjust Step Size. Trigger Frequency is
the Sweep Speed divided by the Step Size.
Stepped Sweep mode AND Lambda Logging Enabled.
Continuous Sweep mode AND Lambda Logging Enabled AND Output trigger mode not set to
STFinished (Step finished).
Continuous Sweep mode AND Lambda Logging is Enabled AND Modulation Source is not set to
Continuous Sweep mode AND Lambda Logging is Enabled AND Sweep Cycles is not set to 1.
"Data out of range (StatParmTooLarge)"
The user has passed a continuous parameter that is too large.
Wavelength 1800nm when maximum wavelength is 1700nm.
"Data out of range (StatParmTooSmall)"
The user has passed a continuous parameter that is too small.
Wavelength 700nm when minimum wavelength is 800nm.