32 Installation Note N5242-90122
Description of the Upgrade
Installation Procedure for the Upgrade
W4 (reuse) (N5242-20050 or N5222-20040) W3 to A25 port 1
W121 (reuse) (Opt 029A only) (N5242-20067 or N5242-20273) A25
port 1 bridge to A34 port 1 source attenuator
W6 (N5222-20041) W5 to A26 port 3 bridge
W37 (reuse) (N5242-20009 or N5222-20003) A33 reference mixer
switch to A23 mixer brick (R1)
* Secure W37 (N5242-20009) to side of deck with 3x tie wrap
W88 (reuse) (N5242-20010 or N5222-20004) A42 port 1 receiver
attenuator to A23 mixer brick (A)
W13 (reuse) (N5242-20011 or N5222-20005) A25 port 1 bridge to
A33 reference mixer switch
W136 (reuse) (Opt 029A only) (N5242-20068 or N5242-20274) A33
reference mixer switch to A23 mixer brick (R1)
W133 (reuse) (Opt 029A only) (N5242-20069 or N5242-20275) A42
port 1 receiver attenuator to A23 mixer brick (A)
W94 (reuse) (N5242-20016 or N5222-20010) A45 port 2 receiver
attenuator to A23 mixer brick (B)
W92 (N5242-20307) A44 port 4 receiver attenuator to A24 mixer
brick (D)
W40 (reuse) (N5242-20049 or N5222-20039) Front-panel REF 2
RCVR R2 IN to A23 mixer brick (R2)
W134 (reuse) (Opt 029A only) (N5242-20070 or N5242-20276) A45
port 2 receiver attenuator to A23 mixer brick (B)
W138 (reuse) (Opt 029A only) (N5242-20075 or N5242-20280)
Front-panel REF 2 RCVR R2 IN to A23 mixer brick (R2)
W43 (N5222-20007) A22 splitter to A23 mixer brick
* Leave the W43 loose for now.
W44 (N5222-20008) A22 splitter to A24 mixer brick
* Leave the W44 loose for now.
W42 (N5222-20009) A21 HMA26.5 to A22 splitter
* Leave the W42 loose for now.
* Tighten 2x screws on A22 splitter @ 9 in-lbs.
* Tighten cable nuts on W42, W43, and W44 @10 in-lbs.
W140 (Opt 029 only) (N5242-20294) A24 mixer brick to A55 noise
W47 (reuse) (N5242-20089 or N5222-20060) A23 mixer brick to
rear-panel EXT TSET DRIVE LO OUT (J5)