Keysight N4917BSCB 400G Optical Receiver Test Application User Guide
Performing Stressed Receiver Compliance Tests with N4917BSCB Software
Starting the stressed receiver conformance test signal calibration
To start the actual stressed receiver conformance test signal calibration,
activate the corresponding check box in the test tree and click the
button on the
tab or right-click in the test tree and select
checked tests
During the calibration, status messages in the message window show the
progress of the run and display the currently performed action and
intermediate measurement results.
The automated stress signal calibration will reset and reconfigure all
used hardware instruments at the beginning of each calibration run.
Hence any manual settings will be lost. So, make sure to save these
settings prior to starting a calibration run.
The automated stress signal calibration might take several minutes
(more than 20 min), depending on the used hardware and calibration
settings. In case the calibration aborts during the run due to a timeout
error, please try to increase the instrument timeout variable in global
settings in the Configuration tab.
The running calibration process can be aborted by clicking the Stop
button on the Run tab.
The intrinsic SECQ must be lower than initial target SECQ. Therefore,
BERT de-emphasis optimization is recommended before each